



Strategies/Tactics is a series of graphic scores that explores varying levels of collaboration between the score maker and ensemble. The project uses as its starting point the writings of Michel de Certeau and Fernand Deligny. These writers imagine ways of moving through space and traversing everyday experiences as a creative and often revolutionary process. Certeau imagines our movements as political; our travels through the city are considered subversions of the systems of order enacted by the state. Deligny sees our movements as creative and intuitive; our wander lines illustrate something fundamental to the lived human process. These contrasting concepts of creative, collective, and political uses of space form the foundation for this project.

Each score in the series is a map of overtone relations and dissonant connections, of assembled movements through an imagined space. Players simply allow themselves a time and space to explore their correspondences, movements, and relationships in an interweaving meshwork of sympathetic and empathetic responses. From a simple direction, ensembles develop cohesive tactics that will help them move through each element of the score.

The Strategies/Tactics project imagines the relational potentials of bodies (and their soundings) in space - using cartographic concepts as the impetus, these scores offer material and spatial frameworks for players to consider their sounds as movements. The scores are places for players to travel collectivity - to create webs of arachnean complexity through the experience of making sound together.

—Morgan Evans-Weiler


Tactics1 Final


This release comprises two CDs with six realizations of «Strategies/Tactics,» including two performances by Skogen and one each by Tse; Ordinary Affects; an ensemble consisting of Quentin Conrate, Bruno Duplant, Matthieu Lebrun, and Frédéric Tentelier; and the duo of Sarah Hennies and Annie Lewandowski. The release also includes one copy of each of the six scores by Morgan Evans-Weiler and an additional informational sheet providing credits and track listing.


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1.   Skogen: Erik Carlsson, percussion; Anders Dahl, sine waves; Magnus Granberg, clarinet; Anna Lindal, violin; Eva Lindal, violin; Henrik Olsson, percussion, contact microphones, mixing board


2.     Tse: Ryoko Akama, piano; Pierre-Yves Martell, treble viol, pitch pipes, and miniature harmonicas; Cyril Bondi, shruti box, harmonica, and pitch pipes; Christoph Schiller, spinet


3.   Quentin Conrate, percussion; Bruno Duplant, contrabass; Matthieu Lebrun, clarinet; Frédéric Tentelier, Fender Rhodes




4.   Skogen: Erik Carlsson, percussion; Anders Dahl, sine waves; Magnus Granberg, clarinet; Anna Lindal, violin; Eva Lindal, violin; Henrik Olsson, percussion, contact microphones, mixing board


5.   Ordinary Affects: Laura Cetilia, cello; Jordan Dykstra, viola and objects; Morgan Evans-Weiler, violin; J.P.A. Falzone, Fender Rhodes; Luke Martin, guitar


6.   Sarah Hennies, vibraphone; Annie Lewandowski, prepared piano




Morgan Evans-Weiler is a Boston-based artist and performer whose work explores the physical properties of sound, the act of listening, and the experience of place. He creates drawings and scores that contemplate processes of repetition, time, space, and architecture. He directs the ensemble Ordinary Affects and produces the Standing Waves concert series.